Youth initiatives compete in the virtual space

Youth initiatives, which were the outcome of continuous work within projects bearing different names, but intersect in general goals, since youth are the primary element in society, and they are all based on everything related to societal development and positive societal change.

Burj Al-Watan project, for example, which is implemented under close supervision and follow-up by the Welfare Association and funded by the Arab Fund for Development, which is famous for a distinguished number of courses in the sports and social fields where a training course in electronic design has been completed, as well as the youth project after unparalleled success for the side Practical in the project; alternative tourism tours “Rahal”, which was extended as a successful program within the project live the Burj 3 to continue and invest in the project of the Burj al Watan.

These tours, which were able to penetrate the psychological borders of the homeland as a whole, toured and traveled with a distinguished group of young women and Jerusalemite youth from the extreme Galilee to the borders of the besieged Gaza Strip, identifying in each tour different knowledge aimed mainly at providing them with different life skills practically and experimentally under the name of Rahal.

The Rahal program has produced 3 different youth groups: the “Bra Al Sandoq” group, which includes 24 young men and women who decided to convert the usual routine in the weekly rounds within the project into weekly virtual meetings that produce an immediate action plan where young men began to think outside the box along the lines of their name, through Restructuring traditional ideas with new innovative ideas, said student Natal Mushasha, “The period of this crisis must be used to activate social media pages and make various educational videos targeting youth groups through the production of ideas, planning and implementation from young people themselves.” This is what did not differ from the point of view. 

 “Kahraman Youth Group”, which conducts regular meetings remotely on the Zoom program, which resulted in several activities, from the virtual space, you will find a useful and useful outlet for a larger segment of young people.

Kahraman group coordinators did not lose sight of “the importance of continuing to encourage and support distinguished and unknown talents,” in the words of student Nora Rabba, one of the group members, and trainer Nasser Abu Rumaila added that “It is worth mentioning here that the youth initiatives mentioned either within the community incubator project or Burj Al-Watan are pure. Despite the circumstances, the youth managed through personal efforts to achieve several accomplishments in a short time, approximately 17 posts within days, about new and different talents, Dabkeh, drawing, photography, capoeira, martial arts, etc., and recorded ten tips provided by Kahraman members to people under conditions of rampant The virus Corona and conditions of home stone and how to make use of the time and invest it This is a respectable youth achievement. “

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