Burj Al-Luqluq and ACAD Open Two Projects to Serve the Marginalized Jerusalemite Women

Burj AL-Luqluq Social Center Society and ACAD opened on Wednesday 24/05/2017 two projects to enable marginalized Jerusalemite women to find job opportunities and improve their financial status.

Jerusalemite Seeds project is a group project that has 10 women who have been trained to plant by an agricultural engineer. They work at Burj Al-Luqluq Green house as it is considered the first Green House in the Old City of Jerusalem. There, they plant different types of flowers, herbal plants in addition to some kinds of vegetables and fruits.

Jerusalemite Hands project is specialized in food processing. Around 10 women are trained to process food and make different kinds of pickles, jam, and pastries. It is worth mentioning that ACAD and Burj Al-Luqluq has equipped the project location with all the needed tools before the beginning of the project.


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