Burj Al-Luluq Starts Handball Training for the Supporting Team

Burj Al-Luluq Social Center Society launch handball trainings for supporting teams, under the supervision of the trainer Mohammad Obeidat, within the programs of improving handball in Jerusalem. The trainings started last December in Burj Al-Luqluq, under the supervision of the first trainer of Burj Al-Luqluq, Iyad Muhtaseb, and the team manager, Hamzeh Abdo.

Around 15 Jerusalemite players participate in the trainings. These players have interest and passion for handball, as it is considered an absent game in Jerusalem and it has only been revived by established the first team in Burj Al-Luqluq, which participated in the Palestine Cup last November.

Through launching these trainings, the center aims to establish supporting team to back up the first team and be ready to participate in the local and international championships.

On his behalf, Burj Al-Luqluq Executive Manager, Muntaser Edkaidek, assured that establishing supporting teams comes within the centre’s plan in expanding sport games in the center, it also comes within the cooperation plan to develop the Jerusalemite sport section in cooperation with the different sports Palestinian Unions.

Moreover, Edkaidek assured that the centre’s team is training continuously in order to participate in the Palestinian Handball tournament for men next March.    

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